Insect Control Begins Now

It’s hard to think of insects in winter, but don’t forget the havoc these tiny creatures can bring to your garden – defoliating leaves, contaminating produce, even destroying complete plants. Before these pests begin to be a problem is the perfect time to take steps to control them. Why Winter Control? Late winter is the […]
Feeding the Birds

When a bird’s natural plant food has waned or withered away in late winter, a few well-placed feeders can entice a feathered friend to stay nearby. There are four basic types of feeders, but the type of feeder and food it’s filled with will determine which birds will visit. Which do you want in your […]
Blooming Plants: Brighten Your Home & Office

It is no secret that houseplants can beautify your home and office as well as freshen the air, promote relaxation and improve concentration. But if you’re tired of plain foliage and miss the colorful bursts of your annual and perennial flowerbeds, why not opt for flowering plants indoors as well? There are many beautiful bloomers […]
Healthy Soil, Healthy Plants

The key to successful gardening is “healthy soil.” Quite simply, when you feed the soil the proper nutrients, you let the soil feed the plants. So how do you “feed” the soil? First, you need to understand some basic principles about soil and why it is so important, then you can take steps to improve it.
Helleborus – A Perennial for the Ages

When selecting new additions for the perennial garden it is almost impossible to find one that will provide year round interest. This difficulty is further compounded when you need a shade-loving perennial. Well, what was once considered impossible for a perennial is now possible with the Helleborus! About Helleborus Although there are many species of […]
7 Top Trees for Multi-Season Interest

Obviously, we love trees. What’s not to love about a tree? As they grow, their photosynthesis removes and stores CO2, thus maintaining a safe oxygen level for us. Additionally, they provide beauty in our gardens and parks. Many provide shade, fruit, syrup, nesting places, animal refuge, even the subject for poems!
Creating Humidity for Houseplant Health

Houseplants are like Goldilocks...sometimes there is too much humidity and sometimes not enough. However, somewhere it's "just right." Many of our houseplants hail from the tropics and grow in humidity of 50-80%, considerably more humid than our homes.
A Kitchen Herb Garden

Fresh cut herbs are a delight for any cook, and when they are within arm’s reach, fresh herbs are a delight and dream come true! During the coldest months of the year, potted herbs not only offer convenient, fresh seasonings, but also fragrance, color and flowers to truly spice up the kitchen. Growing Tips for […]
Spice Up Your Herb Garden With Horseradish

Used in dips, sauces, spreads, relishes and dressings, horseradish has a notable pungent flavor that quickly clears the sinuses. Although generally grown for its root, the young, tender leaves of this plant are delicious in a salad. How much more do you know about horseradish? About Horseradish Horseradish (Armoracia rusticana) is a perennial related to […]
Vegetable Gardening With The Seasons

Generally, vegetables can be divided into cool-season, warm-season, and hot-season crops. The key to extending your gardening season to the limits is successive garden planting and planning.